알려진 취약점에 관한것은 아래 링크를 참고하세요.
firefox 3.0.12미만 버전을 사용하시는 분들은 업데이트 하시는 것이 좋겠습니다.

아래는 firefox 3.0.12 릴리즈 노트입니다.
Firefox 3.0.12 fixes several issues found in Firefox 3.0.11:
    * Fixed several security issues.
    * Fixed several stability issues.
    * Fixed an issue introduced in Firefox 3.0.11, where Firefox would occasionally freeze when accessing the Java plug-in on Windows XP. (bug 498132)
    * Fixed an issue introduced in Firefox 3.0.11, where Firefox would not save data properly when a user stored their home directory on a remote location using AFP. (bug 497792)
    * On Mac OS X, fixed an issue where certain AppleScripts failed to return the proper information. (bug 427448)
    * See the Firefox 3.0.11 release notes for changes in previous releases.

관련 링크 :

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