
modsecurity Transformation Caching problem(?)

EcusE 2008. 8. 1. 19:59

출처 :

Transformation Caching기능에 문제가 있는데 modsecurity 2.5.6에서 해결됐고 Transformation Caching을

지원하지 않기로 했다고 합니다. 웹서버를 crash(?)시킬수도 있다고 하니 업그레이드가 여의치 않은 분들은

아래 설정을 추가하시기 바랍니다.

SecCacheTransformations Off 

원문은 아래를 참고하세요.


Transformation Caching Unstable, Fixed, But Deprecated

We have just released ModSecurity 2.5.6 to address several issues with transformation caching: the subsystem is unstable, can crash your server server, and is even susceptible to evasion in certain circumstances. Although the issues have all been fixed in 2.5.6 we have decided to deprecate the entire subsystem because there has been too many problems with it. You are advised to turn transformation caching off (it is on by default until 2.5.6) until you upgrade. You can do this with:

SecCacheTransformations Off 

On the positive side, ModSecurity 2.5.6 is the first version to use the previously discussed licensing exception,

which allows ModSecurity to be combined with other open source projects.