CentOS 6.2 Release
Release Notes for 6.2 are available at http://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS6.2
All updates released since upstream 6.2 release are also released to the CentOS-6.2 mirrors.
With this release we are now back to a regular, managed and tested release path and time
scales. However, for the time being, we are going to retain the CR/ repo in the event its needed
in the future to push ahead-of-release updates.
Upgrading from CentOS-4 or CentOS-5:
We recommend everyone run through a reinstall rather than attempt an inplace upgrade from
CentOS-4 or CentOS-5
Downloading CentOS-6.2 for new installs:
When possible, consider using torrents to run the downloads. In most cases you will find its
also the fastest means to download the distro. There are currently over a thousand people
seeding CentOS-6 and it's possible to get upto 400mbps downloads via these torrents.
Torrent files for the DVD's are available at :
You can also use a mirror close to you :
Most mirrors will allow direct DVD downloads over http, ftp and rsync.
Please keep in mind that not all mirrors are currently updated, some might take upto another
24 hours before they have all the content.
한국어 릴리즈 노트 : http://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS6.2/Korean
국내 미러 사이트 :
CentOS 6.0이상버전에서는 RPMforge repo를 추가하면 proftpd를 편하게 추가해 사용할 수 있습니다.