
PHPA Version 1.3.2 Revision 2 Released

EcusE 2002. 8. 12. 08:53
무료 php Accelerator인 PHP Accelerator의 새버전이 나왔습니다. 자주업데이트가 되는군요.
변경된 점은 아래를 참고하세요. 첨부파일은 linux libgc 2.2.4 php4-2.1.1.이상용 phpa 1.3.2R2 파일입니다.
phpa의 설치는 또는 를 참고하세요. 

PHPA Version 1.3.2 Revision 2 Released (8 Aug) This revision to release 1.3.2 makes setting up PHPA easier,
removing a step that has been required in all earlier releases (many thanks to Yahoo! for providing this change),
and now ships a tuned version of the Accelerator that can deilver higher performance than regular libraries on some platforms.
The standard library is provided as well. The main change in the release 1.3.2 family is the removal of activation keys,
and there are a few enhancements and minor bug fixes.

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