며칠전에 1.3.2가 나왔었는데 또 다시 새버전이 릴리즈 됐습니다.
현재 glibc 2.1.x대만 있습니다. 2.2.x대에서 사용가능한지는 테스트해보지
못했습니다. 2.2.x대용도 곧 릴리즈 되겠죠.아래는 릴리즈 노트입니다.


Release Notes for The PHP Accelerator 1.3.3


This file contains information for the PHPA 1.3 releases,
and documents new features and changes since the '1.3.1pre' releases.

Please be sure to also read the CONFIGURATION and INSTALL files to
familiarise yourself with all features. Platform specific notes are also
provided and may be relevant to your platform.

NEW IN 1.3.3

A bug in PHP memory handling causes PHP builds with --enable-memory-limit to
believe that memory is already allocated at the start of each request, and
for the amount to increase at each request.

The bug exists in PHP 4.2.1, 4.2.2, and probably some or all other releases.

Release 1.3.3 incorporates an experimental workaround for this PHP bug and
can be enabled with by setting the php.ini entry
enable_php_memory_bug_workaround = 1

Minor bug fixes.


아래링크는 릴리즈노트 원본링크입니다.

관련 링크: http://www.php-accelerator.co.uk

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