웹상에서 mysql db관리 하는 프로그램인 phpMyAdmin이 3.x대로 점프(?)를 했더군요.

PHP 5.2이상, MySQL 5.0이상을 요구합니다. 사용하는 php와mysql버전이 낮다면 2.x대를 사용하셔야 할듯합니다.
3.x에서 개선된 사항은 아래와 같습니다.

Improvements for 3.0.0:
+ [table] support MySQL 5.1 PARTITION: CREATE TABLE / Table structure, partition maintenance
+ [privileges] support for EVENT and TRIGGER
+ [gui] Events
* minimal support on db structure page
* export
+ [engines] Maria support
+ [engines] MyISAM and InnoDB: support ROW_FORMAT table option
+ [engines] PBXT: table options, foreign key (relation view, designer)
+ [error handler] NEW handle errors to prevent path disclosure and display/collect errors
+ [mysqlnd] do not display strMysqlLibDiffersServerVersion if the client is mysqlnd
+ [webapp] experimental Mozilla Prism support
+ [export] new plugin "codegen" for NHibernate
+ [export] new export to Texy! markup
+ [config] new parameter CheckConfigurationPermissions
+ [config] new parameter ShowDatabasesCommand
+ [config] new parameter CountTables
+ rfe #1775288 [transformation] proper display if IP-address stored as INT
+ rfe #1758177 [core] Add the Geometry DataTypes
+ rfe #1741101, patch #1798184 UUID default for CHAR(36) PRIMARY KEY
+ rfe #1840165 [interface] Enlarge column name field in vertical mode
+ patch #1847534 [interface] New "Inside field" in db search
+ [GUI] Mootools js library (http://mootools.net) and new parameter InitialSlidersState
* [core] cache some MySQL stats (do not query them with every page request)
+ [view] clearer dialog WITH (CASCADED | LOCAL) CHECK OPTION
+ [pdf] Merged tcpdf 2.2.002 (PHP5 version)
+ prevent search indexes from indexing phpMyAdmin installations
+ [lang] New Bangla
+ [interface] Display options
+ rfe #1962383 [designer] Option to create a PDF page
+ [GUI] Color picker
+ [navi] new parameter LeftDefaultTabTable
+ [display] headwords for sorted column
+ rfe #1692928 [transformation] Option to disable browser transformations
+ [import] Speed optimization to be able to import the sakila database
+ [doc] Documentation for distributing phpMyAdmin in README.VENDOR.

좀더 자세한 사항은 아래링크를 참고하세요.

그리고 얼마전에 3.0.1로 업데이트가 되었습니다.
변경점은 역시 아래링크를 참고하세요. emoticon

phpMyAdmin미만 버전에서 XSS for Microsoft Internet Explorer취약점이 발견되었습니다.

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